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Terms and Conditions

Any dispute concerning the interpretation of the terms exceptions or conditions of this agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the jurisdiction of the territory in which this agreement was issued.


1. In these terms and conditions “We” are the company named as the Lessor overleaf and “You” are the Lessee                   “Vehicle” means the vehicle detailed overleaf


2. If you have indicated overleaf that you want us to provide insurance cover for the vehicle and/or Additional Insurance      then the following terms will apply:

  • This agreement is subject to, and includes, all the terms of our current insurance policy, a copy of which can be inspected at our office.

  • This vehicle may only be driven by the following people;

    • you personally (if your name is given in the spaces provided overleaf) or;

    • the person who signed the agreement on your behalf if you are a company whose name is given in the box overleaf, or;

    • any additional driver authorised by us IF that person has completed an insurance proposal form and we have accepted it

  • Our insurance will not give you complete cover. The amount for which you are not covered is called the Excess. You may be able to reduce that by paying an additional charge, the amount of which is shown in our tariff which can be inspected at our office. The Excess for which you are not covered will be shown in the box overleaf.

  • You may also have the ability to take out additional insurance as indicated overleaf by paying the charges shown in the tariff which can be inspected at our office.

  • If you or anyone on your behalf deliberately causes damage to or loss of the Vehicle then you will have to pay for the cost of the repair or replacement of the Vehicle, even though it was insured at the time.


3. If you have indicated overleaf that you want to provide your own insurance for the Vehicle then the following terms          will apply.

  • It is your responsibility to insure the Vehicle from the moment you take it until the time it is returned to us. You must insure it to its full value, against loss or damage, (including windscreen damage) by accident, fire or theft, under a comprehensive insurance policy with a reputable insurance company. You must supply us with full details whenever we ask for them, and you must tell the insurance company to note our interest on the policy.

  • You hereby authorise your insurer to communicate directly with us and give us any information we require. You also authorise us to take over any claim which you may have which relates to the Vehicle, and to negotiate and settle that directly with your insurer.

  • You must not use or permit the vehicle to be used in breach of the insurance policy. If any money is paid out under the policy which relates to the Vehicle then you must ensure that the money is paid directly to us.

  • If you do not insure the Vehicle comprehensively, and we suffer loss as a result, you must compensate us for that loss.

  • If for any reason the amount that we receive from the insurance company is less than the loss that we suffer, then you must pay us the difference.

  • If the vehicle is damaged and is unrentable you will be liable for loss of use until the vehicle is repaired.


4. Any person signing this agreement on behalf of a company must be authorised to do so, and if not so authorised will        be personally liable to pay all sums due under this agreement to the extent that the company fails to pay


5. The maximum period for which you are allowed to keep the Vehicle under this agreement is from the Date and Time        Out overleaf to the Date and Time In


  • We are entitled to terminate this agreement if you break any of its terms, and you must return the vehicle immediately.

  • We are entitled to provide you with a comparable Vehicle, earlier than the due in date, and collect from you the current vehicle, even if you have not broken any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, and the comparable Vehicle shall then be, for the purposes of this agreement the “Vehicle”.

  • In any event the maximum period for which you can hire the vehicle is 90 days.


6. If you keep the Vehicle beyond the Date and Time due In (or after we have required its return as above) then, in                addition to any claim for compensation which we may bring, you will have to pay charges in accordance with our              current tariff which can be inspected at our office.


7. We are not liable to pay you for any loss or damage to any property which is carried in the Vehicle, and we do not            accept responsibility for any property which you leave in the vehicle when you return it, unless we agree If any

    third party brings a claim against us for property which is carried or left in the Vehicle you must indemnify us for that        claim.


8. The Vehicle must not:

  • be taken outside England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and any British Isle on which the hiring commenced, without our prior written permission.

  • be used otherwise than on a public highway or a suitably paved area which is designed to carry motor vehicles.

  • used to propel or tow any other vehicle or trailer, unless it is equipped for the purpose and we have given our permission.

  • be used to carry passengers for hire or reward or for any driving tuition, unless you obtain our prior written permission and you must provide your own insurance under clause 3 of this agreement.

  • be used for any unlawful purpose, or for racing, pacemaking, competitions or speed testing, nor must it be used in any unlawful manner.

  • be used in such a manner as it is overloaded (whether in total or in respect of any axle or other part) or is carrying more passengers or goods than it was designed to carry or may lawfully carry.

  • to be used in such a way as to make the insurance on the vehicle invalid.

  • be used in breach of any relevant legislation, regulation or by law from time to time in force.

  • be used by any person who is not licensed and insured to use it.

  • be used by any person who is under the inluence of alcohol or drugs.

  • be used in the event of any mechanical, electrical or structural failure or damage, if further damage might be caused as a result.

  • be altered or added to in any way whatsoever.


9. You are not allowed to carry out any repairs to the Vehicle (or let anyone else do so) if the cost of those repairs is            more than 00, unless you obtain our permission first.

    If we do authorise repairs then we will refund the cost to you if you produce a VAT receipt for whatever parts have            been replaced.


10. If you break any of the terms of this agreement we are entitled to treat the agreement as terminated and to                        repossess the vehicle. You hereby authorise us to enter on your property to do so if necessary.


11. You are liable for certain charges as if you were the owner of the Vehicle. Those charges are:

  • Any fixed penalty offence committed, or any excess charge which may be incurred, in respect of that Vehicle under Part 111 of the Road Traffic Offenders Act i 988 or the Road Traffic Act 1991 or any subsequent amendments applicable to the British isles.

  • Any financial penalty or charge which may be demanded by a third party as a result of the vehicle having been parked or left upon land which is not a public road.

  • Any charges, costs and expenses as a result of you using the vehicle, arising from or incidental to any person, firm, company or regulatory body, impounding or taking possession of the vehicle, save to the extent that any insurance policy covers such costs and expenses.


12. You must:

  • pay the hiring charges published in our current tariff (which can be inspected at our office) unless different charges have been agreed between us in writing.

  • pay for all fuel and any refuelling charge.

  • pay for any accessories, tyres, or equipment which are lost, stolen or damaged.

  • pay our costs of recovering the vehicle in the event that you fail to return it to us as required below.

  • pay any penalties, fines and court costs incurred in the use of the vehicle before it is returned to us.

  • safeguard our interests in the event of any accident involving the vehicle, by obtaining the names and addresses of all relevant drivers and witnesses. Details including registration numbers or any other vehicles involved, securing the Vehicle and, where appropriate notifying the police.

  • ensure that the correct tyre pressures, engine oil level, battery fluid level, screen wash level, coolant level and automatic transmission oil level (where fitted) are maintained throughout the period of hire.

  • ensure that the Vehicle is always locked when unattended and take all reasonable steps to prevent loss of or damage to the vehicle, or its tyres, tools, accessories, equipment or contents.

  • inform us immediately if the Vehicle is damaged, lost or stolen, or develops any fault or requires any servicing and allow us to carry out any essential repairs or servicing.

  • return the vehicle (with all its accessories, tyres, tools and equipment) to our representative at the place where it was hired (unless a different place is specified overleaf) during our business hours, at or before the date and time due in or earlier if we are entitled to it. The Vehicle must, when you return it, be in the same condition as when you hired it. (fair wear and tear excepted), and must be clean and tidy (normal traffic grime excepted).

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